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Podcast serial - Living stories

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Podcast serial - Living stories



We want to introduce you to a new podcast series 'Living stories'. The podcast series 'Living stories' was created through the Erasmus+ project 'The Other Perspective', supported by European Commission.

Through this podcast series you will be able to listen to personal stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ people, that are coming from different communities of the world, specifically from South Africa, Serbia, Uganda, Romania, Botswana, North Macedonia and Nigeria. The podcast are about these peoples challenges and struggles, growing up in communities that are discriminatory and xenophobic toward the people of different sexuality and gender.

Enjoy and we hope that this experience will enrich your life!

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Episode 1 - Transgender woman from South Africa
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We want to introduce you to a new podcast series 'Living stories'. The podcast series 'Living stories' was created through the Erasmus+ project 'The Other Perspective', supported by European Commission.

Through this podcast series you will be able to listen to personal stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ people, that are coming from different communities of the world, specifically from South Africa, Serbia, Uganda, Romania, Botswana, North Macedonia and Nigeria. The podcast are about these peoples challenges and struggles, growing up in communities that are discriminatory and xenophobic toward the people of different sexuality and gender.

In this episode you will be listening about the story of an transgender woman from South Africa.

Enjoy and we hope that this experience will enrich your life!


  • Episode 1 - Transgender woman from South Africa

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Episode 1 - Transgender woman from South Africa Obțineți această insignă

We want to introduce you to a new podcast series 'Living stories'. The podcast series 'Living stories' was created through the Erasmus+ project 'The Other Perspective', supported by European Commission.

Through this podcast series you will be able to listen to personal stories and experiences of LGBTQ+ people, that are coming from different communities of the world, specifically from South Africa, Serbia, Uganda, Romania, Botswana, North Macedonia and Nigeria. The podcast are about these peoples challenges and struggles, growing up in communities that are discriminatory and xenophobic toward the people of different sexuality and gender.

In this episode you will be listening about the story of an transgender woman from South Africa.

Enjoy and we hope that this experience will enrich your life!
Task no.1
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Zmaj Jovina 26, Novi Sad 21000, Serbia
Episode 2 - Transgender woman from Serbia


#encourage social awareness
#Accept diversity (people's differences)
#personal development
Activități: 5
Started: 4
Listă de activități finalizată: 0
Time to complete: 2ore 25minute


BalkanIDEA Novi Sad
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